Rhinopithecus roxellana better known as the Golden Snub-nosed monkey belongs to the Colobinae subfamily, which consists of more than 61 species of the Old World monkey family. This species is native to a small area in temperate, coniferous montane forests of Southwest and Central China. These forests are usually found at high altitudes ranging from 1500-3400 m above sea level. This species is the most widely distributed throughout China amongst the three other species of the Chinese snub-nosed monkeys. By the name itself, Golden Snub-Nosed monkeys have golden-orange necks, foreheads, and stomachs. These monkeys have flat noses, sharp canines as well as pale blue faces. The adult and subadult Golden Snub-nosed Monkeys are sexually dimorphic which means that the two sexes exhibit different characteristics other than their reproductive organs for example weight, height, behaviour, and cognitive differences.

Golden Snub-Nosed Monkeys have experienced a population decline by 50 percent in the last 4 decades. Originally these monkeys were widely hunted since it was thought that the fur of the species has medicinal properties. It was later proven that the claim was false, making it illegal to hunt the species. Although in comparison to the other two species of snub-nosed monkeys in China, the population of this species is more. However, Golden Snub-Nosed Monkeys are also registered as endangered on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species with estimated only 8,000-10,000 monkeys of the species in the wild. They are not in immediate danger of extinction, but with loss of habitat, they could be extinct in the coming years. Causes of habitat loss for these species are mainly due to agricultural expansion even though the species are protected in natural reserves.
The only way that we can protect them is by conserving their habitat. This can be done by spreading awareness about the extinction of the species globally and more importantly across the four provinces in China where this species resides namely Sichuan, Gansu, Hubei, and Shaanxi. This habitat is from where these species obtain food (mainly lichens), shelter, reproduce and nurture their offspring. We can also donate to the Golden Snub-nosed Monkey Conservation Foundation. The fund that is being raised by the donations will be used for the purpose of education, capacity building, publicity, and scientific research for the conservation of the Golden Snub-nosed Monkey said by the Council Chairman of the Foundation.
Write-up by Annika Singhal and Art by Aanya Chowbey